My Personal Thoughts on World War 3

I think world war 3 has already started.Just like warming laps in car races,the beligrients are warming up for example in Syria. But for the time being this war looks like more economical than military.However was not 1929 great depression one of the causes of World War 2? So the ongoing economic war right now might result in a military clash as well. Many people think that United States and United Kingdom are allies.But I think there's an economic war between them and they both have allies in this war.For example few months ago world leaders gathered in China for Silk Road project. It encompasses 65 countries. If it is successful the power of United States will diminish in Asia and Middle East.The allies of China in this project are Britain and Turkey. Turkey is important because it's neighbour of Middle East.Also Qatar is an ally of United Kingdom big British influence over there. Thats why United States suddenly imposed sanctions to Qatar soon after meeting in Beijing about silk road. It was also a message to Turkey who is Qatar’s ally in Middle East. USA have other plans for Turkey especially related with Kurds in Syria.The weapons YPG/SDF got from the States can be transferred to PKK to cause trouble in Turkey and also can be used in order to stop Turkish advancement in Syria. So,the only way for United States for survive is to stop this Silk Road project. To achieve this they have to promote chaos and unrest in the countries which are involved in this project.Syria and Afghanistan are examples of this. But britain has the money card because they work with rotschilds and Wall Street bankers who can give harm to United States financially and destabilise the States .worst case scenario will be secession of the states such as Texas and California from the union.


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