Ataturk and authoritarianism

Taking Ataturk into consideration anyone with an open mind accepts that all of his revolutions were forced revolutions.He didn't asked people about sending Ottoman dynasty in exile,even in the voting for transition to republic in the parliament he told that “Some heads might have been cut off” if republic is not declared. So less than half of parliamentarians joined the voting and republic has been declared that way. He created some special courts called “ istiklal mahkemeleri “ and sent thousands of his opponents to jail or to death. A parliamentary who opposed Lausanne treaty to draw the borders of Turkey and called it a betrayal to martyrs because he thought Turkey should have taken more land such as north Iraq was killed in the parliament. And Ataturk never asked people while changing to Latin alphabet or forcing people to wear hats.There were a lot of people who were killed because they refused to wear hats. And many sections of society were oppressed such as religious people,Alawites and Kurds.There are famous Dersim massacres of alawites that time.Its an irony that nowadays Dersim people vote for Ataturks party chp. Iskilipli Atif Hoca(Sunni) and Seyit Riza(Alawite) are one of few examples of religious leaders who were murdered by Ataturks regime. And for the economy most of business was held by government so no free market and it was one-party rule for 15 years for Ataturk and 10 more succeeding  years with Inonu’s CHP,so there is no possibility to talk about democracy either.


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