What is going on in Iran right now that is preventing democracy and not allowing them a powerful position in the world?

Graham Cromie, MA Politics & Human Rights, University of Essex (2013)
"As the west demonstrates, the UK, US and much of Western Europe are ‘democracies’ in name but aren’t very democratic in practice. it’s the same problem. Elites control too much the levers of power, corruption is endemic at many levels and citizen engagement is at an all time low. Its probably the same issues in Iran. Everyone is fighting the same fight. We should all form a global coalition for anti-corruption and ethical good governance. that’s something that crosses borders and is truly universal, unlike just the western concept of ‘democracy promotion’."
Zhang Dayu, PhD candidate Physics & Optics
"First of all democracy has little to do with powerful. None of the world leader, ever, became powerful because of democracy or were democratic.
What’s preventing democracy? I can think of three general reasons, from a pure outside perspective, I have a few Iranian colleagues and classmates, none is ok with the current situation, and none expressed high democratic desires.
First of all, democracy really isn’t as persuasive as some suggest to be. Forget about democracy fought Persians for a while now, just look at their neighbor, you think democracy is attracting a lot of people other than ideological undergrads and scholars?
Secondly, those who really believed in democracy is not those who are capable. Self explanatory.
Thirdly, a governmental organization won’t be overthrown by her people, ever, but by another governmental or alike organizations.
Then let’s talk about powerful. Iran has almost all the things that I think will assist a country to a fast track. Problem is, she is out of the global value chain, there isn’t a place for her to cash in."


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