
Showing posts from August, 2017

Nearly 3,000 Rohingya Muslims killed in the last three days

6:05 August 28, 2017 Anadolu Agency A Rohingya woman cries with her child, after being restricted by the members of Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) to further enter the Bangladesh side, in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh August 28, 2017. The Myanmar army killed between 2,000 and 3,000 Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine in the last three days, Anita Schug, a spokeswoman for the European Rohingya Council (ERC) said on Monday. “The number of massacres carried out by the army against Muslims in Rakhine exceeds the one in 2012 and those in October last year. The situation has never been this bad. In Rakhine, we face a slow genocide,” said Schug. Noting that between 900 and 1,000 Muslims were killed on Sunday in the Saugpara village of Rathedaung city of Rakhine alone, Schug said that only one boy survived the massacre. 00:57 dk 28 Ağustos 2017 Yeni Şafak Myanmar declares praying Rohingya Muslims 'terrorists' Th

Ataturk and authoritarianism

Taking Ataturk into consideration anyone with an open mind accepts that all of his revolutions were forced revolutions.He didn't asked people about sending Ottoman dynasty in exile,even in the voting for transition to republic in the parliament he told that “Some heads might have been cut off” if republic is not declared. So less than half of parliamentarians joined the voting and republic has been declared that way. He created some special courts called “ istiklal mahkemeleri “ and sent thousands of his opponents to jail or to death. A parliamentary who opposed Lausanne treaty to draw the borders of Turkey and called it a betrayal to martyrs because he thought Turkey should have taken more land such as north Iraq was killed in the parliament. And Ataturk never asked people while changing to Latin alphabet or forcing people to wear hats.There were a lot of people who were killed because they refused to wear hats. And many sections of society were oppressed such as religious people

My Personal Thoughts on World War 3

I think world war 3 has already started.Just like warming laps in car races,the beligrients are warming up for example in Syria. But for the time being this war looks like more economical than military.However was not 1929 great depression one of the causes of World War 2? So the ongoing economic war right now might result in a military clash as well. Many people think that United States and United Kingdom are allies.But I think there's an economic war between them and they both have allies in this war.For example few months ago world leaders gathered in China for Silk Road project. It encompasses 65 countries. If it is successful the power of United States will diminish in Asia and Middle East.The allies of China in this project are Britain and Turkey. Turkey is important because it's neighbour of Middle East.Also Qatar is an ally of United Kingdom big British influence over there. Thats why United States suddenly imposed sanctions to Qatar soon after meeting in Beijing about

Protests in Charlottesville,Virginia

This protest is part of a long chain of events and the removal of the statue in Charlottesville is happening in - at least - several other cities in the country. The thorough answer to your question would need to encompass a great deal of history going back to - at least - 1861. The short answer would be that in 2015 a young man entered a church and murdered nine people at prayer - the young man had publically used the Confederate battle flag as his personal symbol prior to his murderous act - and in doing that ignited a debate in regard to the appropriateness of Confederate flags on public property. With the result being that some city councils have since then through various processes determined that all Confederate symbols - statues as well as flags - should be removed to public museums or removed to private property. Other removals have occasioned heated protests - t